2010 Happiness is........

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Sleeping beauty....

As I tucked in the girls tonight, I was greeted with a wonderful surprise. For 13 months, Addy has slept with all of her covers over her face as if to hide in fear. In Ethiopia, first of all it was very cold at night, so I am sure she was taught to cover her head, and I can't imagine the noise and just the pitch black of night that would scare such a sweet little girl to death. And the fear of roaming animals that might enter their hut and scare the family would just be terrifying to anyone. Tonight,however, she had her covers tucked gently beneath her chin with her hands place sweetly beside her cheek. She was breathing so calmly. These are the moments I pray for daily with my sweet Addy! She is slowly emerging. What a treasured moment. I never want to forget it. It is progress......I know you are strong Addy!

Where to begin.....

I am going to post completely out of order, surely to mix things up a bit. Really, I am posting because I have come to realize through our recent move how terribly much I miss all of my friends and their dear children. I do think however that I can become re-committed to posting so that somehow I can keep the connection going. I have so many things to say about the last 10+ months. I hope you enjoy the stories. This past labor day we were able to visit Mt. Rushmore with some family. We had so much fun seeing a new part of the country. The girls loved spending time with their cousins. It was a trip right up there at the top of the list. However, we deeply missed Ash who was busily getting ready to hit the books at the Y!