2010 Happiness is........

Sunday, February 25, 2007

How do you say I love you?

Last night we were going through some information that our Agency sent us. There were recipes, statistics on Ethiopia and simple words and phrases that we can learn in the native language, "Amharic". We called M into the room and showed him the lists. He busily looked over the pages. He raised his head and said, "How do you say I love you in Amharic?" It was seriously so sweet, we couldn't stand it. I am sad to say that it wasn't on the list so I will e-mail our agency and see if they can find out for me.
We continue to be amazed at how excited our children are to have some new siblings. xoxo


Anonymous said...

Oh, "M"! You are going to be such a great big brother! What more would you need to know... in any language?!!! In Chinese, it is "Wo Ai Ni" (Whoa I knee). Love, Erin

Anonymous said...

Very cute! Wow, Amharic??!! At least we had one spanish speaker in our house and believe me, it would have been sad without him. Your kids are in for a treat as you have seen with our kids, they will eat these babies for breakfast, lunch, dinner and go back for dessert! They are YUMMY! Carrie