2010 Happiness is........

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Here's the latest......

Well, the latest and greatest news is really NONE! We are still in limbo. The only thing we seem to know for sure is: The girls are sisters, the girls are in the care center and our paperwork is sitting in the courts. Not much to add but I felt like I needed to update the ole blogspot. Goodness sakes, this is surely the longest roller coaster ride I personally have ever been on. We are however very grateful for our adoption agency who we know is working very hard on our behalf. I don't know what I would do if that relationship wasn't rock solid! If I had to guess, I would say that we will travel sometime in the the second week of October. The only reservation I have about guessing is just like guessing how much someone weighs, you can be way off either way! Thanks to all of you for your continued love, prayers and support. Keep hanging on with us, we need you by our side. xoxo

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