2010 Happiness is........

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Shopping and getting ready for the day

Yesterday we toured Addy's school (you will see pictures). She has many friends there. When we drove up they all chanted "Ainalem, Ainalem, Ainalem"! It was so sweet. The picture of the lady holding Addy is her Nanny and one of her teachers. They seem to rotate them around the main care center and the school so the children have alot of consistency. It is amazing. And another amazing thing is that everyone knows all of the children, probably 120 kids that we have seen. The pictures in the van were when we were out shopping. The girls love the car. The picture of the girls brushing their teeth was this morning after they got dressed. They really love each other. Cameryn dances around and calls her sisters name, very lovingly.

We are having kind of a free day and tomorrow we will go out and do more shopping.


Erin said...

Oh my goodness! They look SOOO cute!!! You KNOW I love those BOWS!

Anonymous said...

Dean & Debbie
Your girls are just beautiful! What an amazing thing! It has been fun to watch the experience on the website. Thanks for sharing it with all of us! Best wishes, safe travel and we look forward to meeting them when you get home! Love The Garden's

Anonymous said...

The girls are so beautiful. I love hearing about your time in Ethiopia. I can't wait to see new pictures each day. Have a safe trip home. We can't wait til you get back.
Love Ya!


Anonymous said...

Hey you guys. I just looked at all the pics. What an experience! The girls are beautiful. Thanks for sharing. RH