2010 Happiness is........

Thursday, November 29, 2007

It is shocking to me.......

We have officially been home 12 days and the progress we are making is unbelievable. The girls know their little routine, what happens (generally speaking) and what comes next. A few words in English come out each day. Their eyes look so much more content. As each day passes I realize how precious a child's spirit is. They depend on us so much. I have learned with the girls as well as our older kids how much consistent routines help them. They feel so able and confident when they know what to do next. It is truly amazing. We made it out to the mall today, stroller and all. The girls just sat there and were so well behaved. It was such a treat for me, I actually got a bit of Christmas shopping done. It was fun to be in the mall hearing the Christmas music playing softly as we wandered about. The girls love the car and the stroller. Let's keep our fingers crossed on that one, huh! xoxo

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Home at last, all safe and sound!

Our journey has been so wonderful, words could never describe the intense feelings we have had over the past two weeks. We are simply amazed at how the girls are doing, they have adjusted so well already. The simple things in life like tubby time and having as much water as you want really helps keep us grounded. The look of love in the girls eyes is so precious, we just love them so much. Here are a few of our homecoming photos. We are so thankful to have so many dear friends and neighbors. We were greeted with so much love and kindness, thank you all!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Shopping and getting ready for the day

Yesterday we toured Addy's school (you will see pictures). She has many friends there. When we drove up they all chanted "Ainalem, Ainalem, Ainalem"! It was so sweet. The picture of the lady holding Addy is her Nanny and one of her teachers. They seem to rotate them around the main care center and the school so the children have alot of consistency. It is amazing. And another amazing thing is that everyone knows all of the children, probably 120 kids that we have seen. The pictures in the van were when we were out shopping. The girls love the car. The picture of the girls brushing their teeth was this morning after they got dressed. They really love each other. Cameryn dances around and calls her sisters name, very lovingly.

We are having kind of a free day and tomorrow we will go out and do more shopping.

Addy's school

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

New Pictures of our Trip (#1)

We are having an amazing time. The pictures of "us" are in front of the guest house and of Carrie and me on the swing on the grass area outside the guesthouse. It has been really fun. The man you won't recognize is the girls Uncle. What a special treat to meet him.

Love to all, the pajama pictures are right after their first bath. Addy loved it, Cami wasn't so sure.

New Pictures of our Trip (#2)

New Pictures of our Trip (#3)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Ethiopia Trip Hosana village and Restaurant

Yesterday we traveled to Hosanna. It is where we saw an amazing small village. Most of the pictures were taken in the village. We stopped along the roadside and were able to tour a hut where you will see the children inside and Dean and Corey outside with village children. We are doing well, we are in love with this country. The pictures of the dancers were from a dinner we attended and had an amazing time.

Ethiopia Trip Hosana village

Ethiopia Trip continued

Traditional Ethiopian Restaurant. Injera, Doro wat, and dancers oh my!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Ethiopia Day 1 Part 1

This is the first time we saw Adeline. She was on a field trip at an amusement park. It was snack time with juice and cookies.

Finally... that's my mommy!

We are going to get Cameryn. Addy can't wait to see her sister.

This is our photographer and video crew. Aren't they beautiful! We are just about to the van.

It's amazing how much Addy loves all of the physical attention. Hugs and kisses...

Ethiopia Day 1 Part 2

I found Mom's zipper. That is pretty fun.

First time holding Daddy's hand.

Miss personality. This is a classic Addy face. She's trying to hold back a smile!

Don't smile, don't do it!

Enchanted Addy!

Ethiopia Day 1 Part 3

Ethiopian beauty!

This is the first time that we met Cameryn!

Precious baby!

Ethiopian family picture... all together at last...

Oh mom, forgot to face the camera.