2010 Happiness is........

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Butterflies, bumble bees and a kitty cat....

These things, just to name a few, are the special little critters you will find hidden in a secret garden I stenciled for the girls. As you sit in their bed, they can look across their tiny little toes at this happy place. I just live for this kind of stuff! I have had so much fun doing their room and trying to imagine what it will be like when they are finally here, in the house, in their room, and laughing and playing. We can't wait. I will post a picture of their room, hopefully tomorrow. I started washing some of their clothes to get ready for the trip, and Jen.....you were right, little pink girly things in the wash is the best. Funny, I don't seem to mind those loads! I bought the girls a gigantic sticker book with "first words" in it. I think it will be awesome for some language development for the trip home and if for nothing else, we can decorate the airplane dinner trays! xoxo

Friday, July 27, 2007

Just a little update!

We received great news today. Our paperwork has been submitted to the Ethiopian Courts. We will be praying that all of the documentation they need is in perfect order so that things go through without a hitch. This is absolutely fantastic! Without getting the hopes up to sky HIGH, maybe we will travel earlier than previously expected. Oh, and you know we will be all over that! xoxo

Monday, July 23, 2007

Would you believe it if I told you......

that there are 6 million orphans in all of Africa or Ethiopia? What did you guess? The correct answer is Ethiopia. I share this number with you because, yes it is terribly difficult to wrap you mind around and it seems so unimaginable. However, IT IS TRUE! I also share this with you in the hopes that anyone out there who has maybe been thinking of adopting from Ethiopia or any other country, that you might be guided to make the decision to change the life of an innocent child. I remember when we (hubby and I) would talk about adopting but we really never moved forward with action. I guess those birthdays racking up came in handy for once in my life! We have loved every minute of the adoption process and we don't even have our beautiful girls home yet. If somehow this message touches you, please take action for these beautiful and innocent children. Thank you for letting me share my thoughts..xoxo

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Wow, it's really happening!!!!!!

Back on big Daddy's birthday was the first real moment that we realized that we might actually adopt. I have to tell you now that it's really happening it is so joyous and so amazing! It's hard to believe that in about 60 days we will have these two little people who will see us for the first time and they will have no idea how much they have been wanted to become part of our family. One of the hidden blessings of adopting is the wait time....(did I just say that)! All of the thoughts about becoming parents again and hoping that your children have all of the things they need in order to feel loved and hopeful for the future. To develop their talents and make all of their dreams come true. What a miracle, it really is!

It's time to get busy, I have walls to paint and bedding to pick out. Thanks again for all your prayers for the girls. xoxo

Saturday, July 14, 2007

....... Pink, fluffy, polka dots, and the like!!!

I am having so much fun shopping for the girls. It is a riot. I didn't realize how fun girly pajamas could be! And of course you need lots of headbands with flowers and bows! I haven't really even started on the shoe thing for fear of way off sizing but soon that will be in the bag too! We are compiling a scrapbook for each of the girls to send to Ethiopia on Monday, actually it goes to our agency in Minnesota first and then off to the girls. We are crazy in love and can't wait to see them...............xoxo

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The best news ever...........
Today was the day. We received our referral for two adorable sisters, ages 4 and 2! We are so happy and are madly in love with these girls. They have a beautiful story that we will keep near and dear to our hearts. We can't post pictures until we have made it through court but if you e-mail me I can share. We are going out to get some PINK clothes and start all the preparations for the girls homecoming. We should travel sometime in September. I can't explain how great it feels to get this news today. We are very grateful and feel very blessed. xoxo

Monday, July 2, 2007

The door isn't shut just yet....

Well, I just received an update from our agency. They are still expecting a few more referrals this week so she hasn't shut the door for our referral. Actually, this is pretty amazing. I really thought once again that we would be done for the summer. There is still hope. I love this process, even though waiting is so hard it makes you really dig deep and explore so many things about this life. I love having so much HOPE and FAITH in this adoption. Love to all and thanks once again for all your love and support, it helps so much and is so dear to us. xoxo