2010 Happiness is........

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Summer deadline approaching!

Well, here's the update. Our agency will keep giving referrals up to and through June 15th. Hopefully this will be good luck, it's Nana's birthday. Anyway the Ethiopian government closes for several weeks during the late summer and early fall. They have put this policy in place so that parents who have a referral aren't waiting for 10+ weeks to travel. If we don't get a referral by the 15th they will start up again around September 18th or so. We know that whatever is meant to be for us is exactly what will happen. In a way if we don't get that call we won't be waiting and hoping all summer. We will be anxiously awaiting the next 9 days to see what is going to happen for our family. Thanks to everyone for all the encouragement. xoxox


Anonymous said...

We will be waiting too! You are right - you will get the kids that are suppose to come to your family whether it's in 9 days or next fall! Then, there will be a time when it will be hard remembering ever being without them. We can't imagine our family without our Bo! We will be wishing and hoping! Carrie

Jennifer said...

Ok, Deb... I am so anxious and excited for you... I can' wait to see the little pictures of your beautiful children! Good luck to you for the next week. I will be thinking of you constantly.

Jennifer said...

We are down in St. George right now, but I didn't want you to forget that we are thinking of you and all of your family... waiting and hoping.

Anonymous said...

Hey Deb, I was so hoping that we would hear some good news by today. I can only imagine the sadness you must feel as this day comes and goes. I will continue to pray for you and your children in Africa (wherever they may be). One thing that is comforting is that you know that they are together and always will be! Love, Carrie